By Lauren Reyes, Communication Studies ‘17

Photo courtesy Carson Rahrig
Name: Carson Rahrig
Major: Communication Studies
Graduation Year: December 2016
Hometown: Mansfield, Texas
Current City: Fort Worth, Texas
What do you do?
Internal Communications Specialist at AZZ
· Responsible for the planning, development, and delivery of internal communications content delivered within the organization, including reminders, memos, sponsorships, contests and fundraisers.
What previous experience did you have that helped you get your current job?
Since I began interning with AZZ in the summer I was already working on projects that I carried over once I became full time. So basically, when I was an intern I was already doing the position I just did not have the title. Before this I had been an HR intern at another company and worked in benefits and compensation. This experience along with my major helped me learn how to communicate HR things effectively.
Describe what your job search was like during your senior year?
Since I was not sure if my internship was going to hire me on full time I was looking for other jobs during my senior year and it was very stressful. I basically put my résumé on every job site (LinkedIn, Career Builder, Indeed, WayUp, etc.). I applied for every job possible whether I had the experience or not. I found it hard because a lot of jobs say they are entry level, but then they want 3 years of experience.
Do you have any advice for students searching for an internship or job?
I would say put yourself out there as much as possible. Looking for a job really does become a full-time job. You want to make sure your résumé looks good and it has the right keywords so when it is put through a recruiting system your résumé will show up.