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Archives: Student Work

In Front of the Camera in Tulsa, Oklahoma

A photo of Schieffer College alumna Kristen Weaver.

Name: Kristen Weaver Majors: Journalism and Spanish Hometown: Dallas, Texas Current Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Year Graduated: 2017   Kristen Weaver ’17 earned her degree in journalism and Spanish from Texas Christian University. Since the start of her first year at TCU, she loved being a part of student media. “I began working for TCU360, a student-run… Read more »

Class of 2016: Victoria Whitley-Berry

A photo of TCU alumna Tori Whitley-Berry signaling to the Morning Edition team as they prepare to go live from a studio at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., on September 13, 2018.

Name: Victoria Whitley-Berry Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida Major: Journalism  Victoria Whitley-Berry ’16 said her fondest memory at Texas Christian University is one that assured her love for the Italian culture, her declared minor. When Whitley-Berry was a sophomore she lived on her own in Genova, Italy, where she took classes at I’Universita Degli Studi Di Genova…. Read more »

CLASS OF 2020: Meet Mariana Rivas

Name: Mariana Rivas Major: Journalism Hometown: Houston, Texas Mariana Rivas always knew she wanted to be a journalist. “There was never really any doubt that this is what I wanted to study,” she said. “I like to write and I think it’s cool to be able to act kind of like a detective.” Rivas has… Read more »

A Glimpse into a Texas Christian University Newscast

A photo of Schieffer College student Gracie Amiss.

Gracie Amiss Major: Journalism Hometown: Austin, Texas Gracie Amiss claims she was never a “news fanatic” like most people who major in broadcast journalism, but she always knew she had a knack for writing. Amiss found that journalism was a major that would challenge both her writing abilities and creativity. I asked Amiss if she… Read more »

How Did College Not Change Justine Grace

A photo of TCU alumna, Justine Grace.

Name: Justine Grace Majors: Journalism; Political Science Graduation Year: 2016 Hometown: Gulf Breeze, Florida Current Residence: Fort Worth, Texas From midnight dance parties and best friends living across the hall to suddenly wanting to go to bed at 7:30 p.m.… what gives? As Justine Grace ’16 puts it, “You just mastered the student game, then… Read more »

Livia Lavender: Rancher, Writer, Dancer, but foremost a Horned Frog

Class of 2020 Majors: Journalism; Ranch Management Originally from Houston, Livia Lavender is pursuing a double major in Journalism and Ranch Management at Texas Christian University. She is also an honors student in the John V. Roach Honors College. Alongside her academic affiliation with the Bob Schieffer College of Communication and College of Science and… Read more »

Class of 2021: Lauren LaMontagne

A photo of Schieffer College student Lauren LaMontagne.

Name: Lauren LaMontagne Major: Journalism Hometown: Laguna Beach, California Dream Job: To write for a world-renowned magazine or journalism/public relations department for a large company. Why did you choose Texas Christian University? I chose TCU because it was a school away from home. So I knew I was getting into a new environment that was different than what I… Read more »

CLASS OF 2020: Beyond TCU

A photo of Kate Redfield, a TCU journalism major.

Student: Kate Redfield Major: Journalism Class: Senior Hometown: San Francisco, California Journalism was a natural choice for Kate Redfield. In high school, she worked for her school newspaper and reported on school policies, politics, art and fashion. Redfield knew that journalism was something she really wanted to be a part of, an industry where she… Read more »

The Class of 2019: Estelle Cottingham

A photo of recent Schieffer College alumna Estelle Cottingham.

Majors: Journalism and Strategic Communication Hometown: Southlake, Texas Why did you choose Texas Christian University? I chose TCU because the moment I walked on campus I turned to my mom and said, “This is my wedding dress moment.” It was the only university that seemed to fit who I was and who I wanted to… Read more »

Meet Emily Plasencia

A photo of Emily Plasencia, a News and Media Studies major at TCU.

Name: Emily Plasencia Major: News and Media Studies Hometown: Haslet, Texas What made you choose Texas Christian University? I always envisioned myself at TCU. My grandparents lived five minutes from campus and I started going to Showgirl clinics and TCU soccer camps at a young age. When it came time to apply, I realized how… Read more »