Chris Harper

Instructor II
Communication Studies
MOUS 307 | 817-257-4544


Ed.D., Arkansas State University

Courses Taught

COMM 10123 – Communicating Effectively – In your Community
COMM 30103 – Argumentation and Debate

Areas of Focus

How communication/leadership theory can be used to positively change individuals, couples, groups, organizations, and communities.

  • Faculty positions at The College of Eastern Utah, Carson Newman College, and Arkansas State University.
  • Consulted and trained groups ranging from elementary education teachers to CEO/administrators of major corporations.
  • Coached national champion competitors in collegiate forensics/debate divisions including: IPDA, PKD, DSR-TKA, CEDA, NDT and Phi Ro Pi.
  • Co-Coach Montgomery Cup International debate delegation.
  • Planned and implemented student-based international trips to London, Spain, Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, and Austria.