Study Abroad

The summer 2019 cohort for study abroad in London, England.

The Department of Strategic Communication has historically offered multiple and expanding study abroad options that engage students’ sense of adventure to develop understanding of international contexts of strategic communication and media. Such experience is important for students’ success as part of a global community and to employers.

Through a combination of field trips and exploration, guest speakers, class discussion, and hands-on exercises, these classes engage and develop students’ cultural, critical and ethical understanding of strategic communication, media, and organizations in today’s global environment.

Programs include site visits and opportunities to work with advertising and public relations agencies, offices of public communication, non-profits, businesses, media industry centers, and cultural and commercial venues.

Our summer 2023 program will take students to London and Paris for three weeks. Students will visit the Museum of Brands, The Globe Theater and other sites that will expose students to the history and culture of London and the influences of the British Empire on contexts of strategic communication. In Paris, students will visit major cultural sites such as Le Louvre and the Musée de la Publicité (Museum of Advertising).

More details and Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the Schieffer College’s Study Abroad/Study Away page.