In the academic year 2024-2025, grants of up to $750 will be available to Schieffer graduate students to assist with data collection for their theses. That may include, but will not be not limited to, expenses such as consumer panel data collection or transcription services.
The money may not be used for salary support for the student researcher; payment of stipends or honoraria to students, faculty, consultants or other personnel; or purchase of permanent equipment or supplies (such as video cameras or photocopies) that should ordinarily be provided by an academic department.
Applications must be submitted electronically to Please also copy your thesis advisor and program graduate director. Paper applications may not be submitted. Applications must contain the following information:
- Student’s name, major department in the Schieffer College and expected graduation date
- Title of proposed project and thesis committee chair
- Abstract of the project (minimum 100 words; maximum 150 words) written for an audience outside the discipline
- Narrative of the project (maximum of two double-spaced pages of 12-point text with 1-inch margins) that explains the context and goals for the work to be conducted
- Itemized budget and justification (list up to $750 of expenses to be reimbursed, the sources upon which these estimates are based and the reason they are necessary to conduct research)
Graduate students must also indicate their agreement with each of the following parameters, should they be awarded funding:
- The applicant will seek IRB approval, as appropriate for the work.
- The applicant will seek pre-approval from Jean Stayton, assistant to the dean, for expenses before they are incurred, to insure they are reimbursable.
- The applicant will submit all expenses for reimbursement by April 15, 2025.
- The applicant will acknowledge that if expenses totaling more than the grant awarded for reimbursable expenses are incurred, he or she will be responsible for those expenses.
- The applicant will participate in the Schieffer Showcase in April 2025, presenting a poster that briefly describes his or her scholarly work, whether completed or currently in progress.