
Nothing looks better on a Department of Strategic Communication graduate’s résumé than professional work experience.

That’s why we encourage our students to invest their time and energy in at least one professional internship before graduation. And that is also why we are so grateful to the professionals who share their workplaces and wisdom with our majors, giving them a quality learning experience that complements our curriculum.

Internships are invaluable and academic credit is available for those who qualify.

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  • American Airlines
  • American Cutting Horse Association
  • Anchor Marketing and Design
  • Clear Channel Communications
  • Consuro Managed Technology
  • Cook Children’s Medical Center
  • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
  • Fort Worth Brahmas Hockey Team
  • Fort Worth International Center
  • Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  • iNSPIRE! Advertising
  • Lafayette148 New York
  • Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
  • Los Angeles Kings and Galaxy
  • Moroch
  • Pavlov Advertising
  • Pier One
  • RadioShack, Inc.
  • Saatchi and Saatchi PR, Tokyo
  • Southwest Airlines
  • The Stars Hockey Team
  • TracyLocke
  • Texas Rangers Baseball Club
  • TM Advertising
  • United States Navy
  • Witherspoon Advertising/Public Relations

Career Services Summer Internship Scholarships

Career Services has a program for students planning to accept an unpaid or low paying (less than $1,000) summer internships. The program provides scholarships to assist with expenses and help support student’s efforts in career preparation. Interested students should make application through FrogJobs. Scholarships will be awarded by an Advisory Council established for this purpose.

For more information contact Susan Sledge at or 817-257-5637.

Students: What you need to know about internships

Credit vs. Non-credit Internships

Non-credit Internships have no restrictions and no TCU requirements. They are part-time paid or unpaid positions that students take simply to gain valuable professional experience and build their resumes.

Credit internships are administered by the internship director and require each student to submit work logs, essays, supervisor evaluations and a portfolio. Students must be enrolled in STCO 48300 in the semester of their internship. They will receive a grade and academic credit at the end of the term (a student must meet the prerequisites for STCO 48300 in order to enroll).

Internships for credit must be approved in advance by the internship director.

Prerequisites for STCO 48300 (for-credit internships)

The student must:

  • be a strategic communication major.
  • have completed 60 University credit hours.
  • have an overall GPA of 2.5 and a GPA of 2.5 in the major.
  • have completed 12 hours in the major with a C or higher in each course, including:

Requirements for Internship Credit (STCO 48300)

The student must:

  • enroll in STCO 48300 during the same term as the internship.
  • complete a minimum of 75 hours in the internship per academic hour to earn a maximum of three hours. A total of six hours may be earned as strategic communication electives.
  • be evaluated by their supervisor at midterm and semester’s end.
  • complete the work duties required by the intern’s supervisor
  • complete all coursework assigned by the Internship instructor
  • submit an internship portfolio, including:
    • A description of the organization in which the internship was completed.
    • A description of responsibilities and duties performed.
    • Samples of work with clear explanations of the student’s role in producing the item. (Where no samples can be provided, an essay describing the work experience and projects in detail may be submitted, as approved by the internship director.)
    • Time/Work Logs (signed by the supervisor) on which the student has recorded hours worked and work performed each day.

Internship Step by Step

For students seeking academic credit for an internship, here is the process for starting and successfully completing your internship in STCO 48300.

  1. Meet the prerequisites outlined above for enrolling in STCO 48300.
  2. Find an internship.
    • Students must find their own internships. The department refers all host companies to post their internships opportunities with FrogJobs. Students can also get help finding internships from the internship director.
  3. Get your internship approved.
    • Internships must be approved in advance by the internship director.
    • If the student meets all the course requirements and the host company either has a record of successful internships or has been thoroughly vetted by the internship director, approval is granted and an enrollment permit is requested.
  4. Have your supervisor/employer sign the Internship Agreement Form and return it to the internship director.
  5. Enroll in STCO 48300 before you start your internship work.
    • Students should enroll immediately upon receiving the enrollment permit.
    • Select the number of hours to earn at this time: one hour academic credit for every 75 hours worked, up to three hours a semester.
    • Students must be enrolled in STCO 48300 at the same time they are completing the internship work.
  6. Keep a detailed work log during your internship.
    • Download the work log here.
    • Record hours worked with descriptions of the work they do each day at the internship.
    • This log will be signed by the supervisor and turned in at the end of the semester as part of the final internship portfolio.
  7. Have your supervisor fill out an Intern Evaluation Form twice during the term and return it to the internship director.
    • Give the form to your supervisor at the start of the term.
    • You must ensure that your supervisor completes an evaluation at mid-term and again at the end of the semester.
  8. Complete at least 75 hours of logged work in your internship for each academic credit hour you want to earn, up to a three hours total. Otherwise you will receive an F grade and not receive credit.
  9. Prepare a portfolio that reflects the work you completed during your internship and that can be shown to prospective employers in an interview in the future.
    • Portfolios will vary depending on the kind of work completed during the internship.
    • All portfolios include:
      • A description of the employer’s company/organization.
      • A description of the intern’s role in the company and the work completed.
      • Samples of work (clippings, photos, publications, ads, brochures, and screen captures, etc.) with a description of what the student did specifically in the production of each sample. (Where no samples can be provided, an essay describing the work experience and projects in detail may be submitted, as approved by the internship director.)
      • The student’s work log, signed by the supervisor.
  10. Turn in the portfolio and work log at the end of the term for a grade and credit.

If you have any questions about the internships, please contact Internship Director.

Employers: What you need to know about internships

Supervising TCU Interns

Thank you for your interest in helping TCU students gain valuable skills and experience through an internship at your organization.

If one of our students is seeking academic credit for an internship (whether paid or unpaid), we require that the student complete a few requirements in addition to the work they do on the job.

We also ask that employers/supervisors of our credit-seeking interns participate in our internship program by providing the student on-the-job support and supervision and providing us with information about the student’s work.

Employers/Supervisors of students in for-credit internships (paid or unpaid) will sign an agreement with the TCU Department of Strategic Communication, agreeing to fulfill the requirements below so that the student can have a beneficial learning experience and obtain academic credit.

Employers/Supervisors will:

  • assign a specific staff member (or members) to direct the internship and evaluate the student’s performance.
  • provide facilities, supplies, space and support, within its capabilities, necessary to the student’s effective performance.
  • provide at least 75 hours of work responsibilities relevant to the professional and intellectual development of the student in his/her field (up to 3 hours a semester).
  • Communicate with the internship director about any concerns related to the internship or the intern’s performance during the term.

Right-click and “Save Link As…” to download the work log (.pdf) or download the Agreement Form (.pdf).

If you have any questions about the Department of Strategic Communication internships, please contact Internship Director.