Why Are You Studying…

Elizabeth Campbell
- Majors: Journalism and Political Science
- Graduation Date: Spring 2018
- Hometown: Potomac, Maryland
What’s your favorite news source?
It’s definitely a tie between the BBC and CBS.
Why Journalism?
I got started in journalism during my freshman year of high school by a dare. Someone dared me that I couldn’t write a story so then I had to try it. Now I absolutely love it. I love getting to know people and hearing their stories. It’s been amazing to bring to life other people’s stories. I took a political science class in high school as well and that helped me start the perfect blend of journalism and political science. Now I absolutely love political reporting. I get to share information with everyone that needs to know it.
What opportunities and skills has studying Journalism and Political Science already given you?
The guidance has been so amazing! I have to give a special shout out to all the TCU Journalism professors. They’ve been so great. I came in with a background in writing but they have taken it to a whole new level with supplying the literal skills like Final Cut Pro, the mental skills of news judgment, and how to get what you need out of a source and how to find stories. It’s been amazing to get training specific to my profession. I have also received incredible life training that has helped me grow as a reporter, a student, and as a person. I love the College of Communication–it’s great! I just got back from a whole semester in Washington, D.C. I got to intern with CBS News for “Face the Nation.” I worked with John Dickerson and Mary Hager—who are absolute legends in journalism. I was able to take everything I learned at TCU and apply it to the real world with my CBS internship. That opportunity alone has led to so many job opportunities and potential career paths. My dream is to return to D.C. and be a political reporter for CBS.