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Joel Anderson – BuzzFeed
Senior BuzzFeed reporter Joel Anderson specializes in covering stories on race, sports and culture. He is one of the few correspondents who reported from ground zero in Ferguson, Missouri during the recent riots. Mr. Anderson graduated from TCU in 2000 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.

Jim Witt – Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Jim Witt is an executive editor and senior vice president at The Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He is among the leaders who brought the paper’s Sports section to be named one of the 10 best in the country by the Associated Press Sports Editors, and the Features section recognized as one of the Top 10 in the country (under 200,000 circulation) by the American Association of Feature and Sunday Editors.
The Board of Visitors contributes to the sound growth and development of the college and brings visibility and contacts to the campus.