What’s in your ’pack?

An inside look into students’ lives from the perspective of their backpacks.
Stuffing her backpack with all the essentials for the day, Brooke Kessler ’18 heads out the door ready for class. “My days are very, very busy,” the Communication Studies major said.
With many textbooks and notebooks in hand, Kessler enjoys most of her classes. Her favorite this semester is Interpersonal Conflict Management, “because I am studying the art of conflict and communication, and it will be useful in life,” she said.
Aside from her coursework, Kessler, a native of Spring Grove, Pa., is a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, a tutor for TCU Athletics and a member of the Here Comes Treble women’s a cappella group on campus.
Among her notebooks lies sheet music for her a cappella group. Kessler said, “I’m currently learning to beat box. We practice seven hours a week, sometimes nine hours. We’re in the regional competition trying to go to the international competition. We are literally ‘Pitch Perfect.’”