Class Of 2015: Meet Marie Bailey

Name: Marie Bailey
Hometown: Keller, Texas
Current Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Major: Communication Studies
Marie Bailey ’15 graduated from Texas Christian University with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies. After graduation, she was a studio manager at SoulSpace Yoga Community for two years. Bailey said she first got into marketing after doing some grassroots efforts at the yoga studio. She enjoyed it, so she began networking and researching companies in Fort Worth, Texas. She ended up at, a local programmatic advertising agency that uses a demand-side platform, as an account manager. From her experience in that role, she realized she wanted more experience on the agency strategy side. So, at the beginning of 2019, she moved to PMG, a digital marketing agency, as a brand media coordinator. Outside of work, she recently earned her RYT-200 Yoga certification.
While at TCU, Bailey knew she wanted to study communication from the first class she took in the department. “I found the material more exciting than other courses, and I loved that the things we discussed applied to real-life situations,” she said.
Outside of class, Bailey was a member of the first rhino conservation group. “It was great to get to know fellow TCU students who shared a similar passion and interest to end poaching of this endangered species in South Africa,” she said.
Bailey said that her time in the communication studies department helped develop her public speaking skills. “Presentations don’t stop after you graduate, so get comfortable speaking in front of a crowd,” she said.
Bailey said her major made her more culturally aware. “Our beliefs and habits are defined most noticeably through our upbringing,” she said. “Growing up, I was surrounded by a lot of people who looked and thought like me.” Communication studies classes encouraged her to get outside of her comfort zone and think about things from a different perspective. Her experience in the communication studies department made her more aware of those around her who come from different backgrounds.
Bailey is most appreciative of the professors in the communication studies department and said the program is one of the top in the country with widely recognized professors. “It was a huge privilege to learn and study with so many esteemed communication scholars who are well known for their work in the field,” she said.
The class Bailey finds most useful in her career is Mediation. She often reflects on the class when she finds herself in a situation where she has to diffuse tension or energy. “It taught me to see both sides and how important it is for all parties to feel heard in any given situation,” she said. “As familiar as it might sound, all of the group projects will prepare you for the working world.”
When asked if she could go back to TCU and do one thing differently, Bailey said she would ask more questions. “Don’t ever be afraid to speak up because you are worried what others will think,” she said.
Bailey advises current students to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. “There will be things that you learn about in class that you wholeheartedly disagree with, but I would challenge you to try and see things from a different side,” she said. “The world could use more understanding and empathy.”
Bailey said she misses going to lectures and having in-depth conversations with professors and classmates. She always felt empowered and encouraged to seek out knowledge and learning at TCU. “I miss that feeling and security,” she said. “Yet, I feel lucky to still live in Fort Worth and be connected to the TCU community.”
Bailey is enjoying her role at PMG and looks forward to seeing where her career will lead her next.
Click here for more information on the communication studies major.