Author: Annaleese Pennay, Schieffer Associates. Strategic Communication.
- Major: Communication Studies
- Hometown: Naperville, Illinois
- Class: Junior
- If you could be any dessert what would you be and why?
Definitely pumpkin pie. I love pie and I’m flavorful and festive.
- Why did you choose TCU?
Both my parents went here, so I was born to become a Horned Frog. Both of my parents majored in communication studies. They actually met in the communication building.
- Why did you choose communication studies?
Communication is such a versatile area of study that has its benefits in every career.
- If you had to be an animal for 24 hours, what would you be and why?
You can bet that I would be an elephant, going around doing elephant shenanigans, harassing people on safaris.
- What is your favorite thing about the Communication Studies department?
The professors are all really awesome and funny. They keep class interesting and manageable.
- What are your plans after college?
I plan to go to law school and either work in entertainment law or human trafficking rescue and relief.