As students head home for the holidays, they will likely be spending large amounts of quality time with their family. For five semesters now, Assistant Professor Kristen Carr has taught Family Communication, a course designed to explore complex definitions of family, family interaction from different theoretical lenses, the role of family rituals, narratives, and storytelling in constructing family identity, and the role of family power, conflict, and stress on family interaction. The class discusses the challenges associated with the quote, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” As part of the discussion, each student considers one way to communicate love to his/her (im)perfect, (not so) functional family. On the last day of class, Dr. Carr hands out paper hearts so students can write their answer to the question, “Where do we go from here?” With their course material in mind, these students are equipped with the tools to enjoy a smoother, happier holiday season with loved ones.