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Graduate Program

Everything you need to know about the Communication Studies Graduate Program

On behalf of the faculty and students of Texas Christian University, welcome to the Department of Communication Studies! Pursuing a graduate degree is a big decision, and we look forward to answering any questions or inquiries you might have. Choosing the right graduate program typically involves thinking about the program’s emphases, faculty mentors, research and… Read more »

New! Changes Declaring a Comm Studies Major and BS Degree Requirements

Starting Fall 2016, students may declare a degree in Communication Studies at any time.  Required courses remain: COMM 10123 (Communicating Effectively), 20113 (Interpersonal), 20223 (Theory), and 30163 (Organizational). Additionally: B.S. degree requires Statistics (specifically either MATH 10043 or INSC 20153). Statistics (MATH 10043 or INSC 20153) is now a prerequisite to many upper division COMM… Read more »