What Inspired Juan Ojeda?

Juan Ojeda – a former business student turned film, television and digital media major – never imagined he would end up at Texas Christian University. Only after attending a TCU class with his wife (fiancé at the time), Elizabeth Rosales, did he begin to see a future on this campus.
His decade-long experience in a manufacturing warehouse coupled with business courses at Tarleton State University led him to a realization that a corporate path was not for him. Ojeda wanted to nurture his more creative side. The question was how? The day he married Rosales was the day he saw his future career in action. Inspired by the videographer’s ability to capture the feeling of his wedding day, Ojeda’s goal became to give others what was given to him: a memory that can be cherished through film and photography. From that day on he knew film, television and digital media at TCU was the field he wanted to study.
Currently in his junior year, Ojeda spends time as a brand ambassador for Telemundo 39 and makes video content for TCU’s football team. Outside of school, Ojeda enjoys creating content centered around his family. Although the editing process can be tedious, seeing the final product is rewarding. For Ojeda, this is a journey he wants to continue. He is eager to keep growing in this field at TCU and looks forward to more opportunities to come his way.