CLASS OF 2020: Elijah Parr

Name: Elijah Parr
Major: Film, Television and Digital Media
Hometown: Denton, Texas
Class: Senior
Why did you choose to study film, television and digital media?
As a kid, I was always very interested in video editing. I would spend hours online just watching tutorials on editing. I think those experiences drove me into the world of film, and since I’m a musician and writer, I was hooked in by everything else the major had to offer beyond film.
What is your dream job?
If we’re talking an absolute dream job, and it could be anything in the whole world, I want to be a touring musician and a screenwriter. That’d be the dream.
What was your favorite class?
My favorite class was Media Analysis with Dr. Colin Tait. It was fascinating to apply psychology and rhetorical theory to film. I’m not sure it’s something I would’ve done outside of an academic setting, which made it more interesting.
What do you love most about Texas Christian University?
The teachers. My first year of school was at a large university in Seattle, which was a lovely school but consisted of about 60,000 students. I just felt like a number in an environment like that. I feel like the teachers really know me and care about my education at TCU!
If you could go back to your first year at TCU, what would you tell yourself?
Use those Frog Bucks, man.
What is the best part about living in Fort Worth?
Fort Worth feels smaller than other cities similar to it, even though it is a large, growing city. It just feels more like home than I expected, which is great. There’s also an amazing soufflé place called rise nº3 that can’t be beat.
Where do you hope to be in five years?
Ideally, I would love to call Denton, Texas, my home base and do a mixture of freelance writing and songwriting. I’m in a band (shameless plug) called The Shortlist, so in five years, I’d also like to be with them on the road.
Where is your favorite place to study?
I’m a dorm room guy, honestly! I rarely go off campus to study, but when I do, I go to Sons of Liberty, a coffee shop downtown.
For more information about the Film, Television and Digital Media department, click here.