Kappa Tau Alpha is a national society dedicated to the recognition and promotion of scholarship in the field of journalism and mass communication. In 2010, KTA celebrated its 100th anniversary.
This society was founded at the University of Missouri in 1910 by a group of honor men and women who sought to form a bond of union among students of unusual achievement in the leading schools and departments of journalism and communication. They believed that their own devotion to high standards of scholarship and professional conduct would be strengthened by union with students in other institutions who might join them in such ideals.
The Greek letters Kappa Tau Alpha stand for krathsei to alhqeV (pronounced: krah-TAY-say toe ah-lay-THEZ) meaning The Truth Will Prevail. Also, these same Greek letters suggest three English words — knowledge, truth, accuracy — which indicate the purpose of our society. The qualities these words name must be correlated: Knowledge is power, but unless our knowledge is devoted to the communication of truth, its function for the work of the journalist will never be achieved. nor is truth, for the great journalist a mere philosophical idea; it is truth refined by accuracy.
Our emblem is the key — oldest symbol of knowledge — and the quill upon this key symbolizes our method of communicating this knowledge to the people. Our colors are light blue, signifying truth; and gold, emblematic of worth and high standards.
Only students in the top 10 percent academically of their class are invited to join Kappa Tau Alpha, so membership is recognized as a mark of outstanding achievement. KTA, a member of the American Association of College Honor Societies, was established at the University of Missouri in 1910. The TCU chapter was chartered in 1979.
Learn more about KTA on the national website or by contacting the faculty adviser for the TCU chapter, Chip Stewart.