Life Through the Lens: Richard Edgemon

Richard Edgemon, Senior
Native of Arlington, Texas
Majoring in film, television and digital media and journalism
What’s your favorite way to watch a movie?
“Normally, I like to watch movies at home with a group of friends. Occasionally, it’s better to be in the theater.”
What’s your favorite genre?
“Horror is all about cheap budgets and how to directly impact an audience as quick and as fast as you can. You have to understand how to get a person to react the way you want while not showing too much. It’s kind of this perfect balance of pure filmmaking.”
Why behind the camera instead of in front of it?
“When you’re learning film you realize that everyone has their one classification — either lighting or this or that. I want to be a producer, so taking all those separate plates and spinning them at the same time is far more entertaining for me. It’s like, why pick one when you can take everything?”
Your life is being turned into a movie. Who is cast?
“Half of my high school is like Super Bad. My friends are these dorky, weird kids who are always trying to get in on the party but never are fully invited. Jonah Hill would play me for sure. I mean, that’s been the one thing that everyone has said for a long time. My best friend, Ethan, would be played by Michael Cera. He’s got that dopey ‘I’m just chilling’ vibe.”
If someone was to capture your life in a still shot, what would they see?
“Probably me looking at some movie or watching the news. I’m always watching and learning. I like the creative element which is why I think I like film – it’s artistry but it’s technical at the same time.”